2018 Sale Report - Barana Simmentals
Photo and article credit: Lisa Duce, The Land

Barana Simmentals reach a top of $12,000
RETURN buyers were a plenty at the recent Barana Simmentals 18th annual on property bull sale held at the Cook family’s Coolah property, “Barana”.
A mix of Simmentals bulls and heifers, Angus and a Shorthorn bull were offered. Of the 34 Simmental bulls offered, 19 were sold at auction to a top of $12,000, averaging $5526.
The single Shorthorn bull sold to $7000, with three of the four Angus bulls sold to $5000 averaging $4500.
Eight Simmental heifers had a 50 per cent clearance but held firm value with a top of $4500, average $3500.
There was a further clearance of bulls and heifers after the sale to have a total clearance of 38 if the 44 offered.
The 20 month-old top priced bull, Barana Muhammad (P) weighing 864 kilograms and with a scrotal circumference of 42.5 centimeters will find his home at the Wirth Cattle Co property, “Glengarry”, Glen Elgin with the one of the second top priced bulls, the 23 monthold, Barana M021 who weighs 982kgs and also has a scrotal size of 42.5cm.
Ben Wirth said the bulls will head back to their commercial enterprise to be put with their cow herd.
Volume purchasers Beau and Mitchell Ward, Willow Tree, purchased four bulls to an average of $5750.
There were four further bulls sold through the Auctions Plus format.
Peter Cook, Stud co-principal, thought they achieved pleasing results despite their expectation of a tough sale given worsening drought conditions in New South Wales.
“Our sale outcome was due to the unwavering support of our valued clients and we are humbled when many of them are experiencing the effects of drought themselves, some commenting that this is the worst season they’ve seen in their lifetime. We have also appreciated the positive feedback on the quality of the sale draft presented on the day.” he said.
The sale was conducted by Elders Gunnedah and Davidson Cameron and Company with Paul Dooley manning the gavel as the auctioneer.