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2019 Bull Sale Information

Preparations are in full swing for our 19th Annual OnFarm Bull Sale on Thursday 4 July at 1pm on farm 'Barana' Coolah, NSW.

On offer at this year’s sale will be 36 bulls, predominantly polled including 3 Angus bulls & 2 Shorthorn bulls. Of the sale draft the majority are soft, early maturing middle-of-the-road type bulls. This style of bull will introduce cattle into your herd that will eat less, have the ability to finish with a higher yield & ultimately put more dollars in your pocket. The 17 sale heifers exhibit the superior maternal traits for which traditional Simmentals are renowned.

Lot 1 PTCP N024

Throughout the drought this year’s sale bulls have been supplemented on a ration of straw, hay, Molafos & a light grain mix plus protein lick blocks. Bulls will present in good, strong condition on sale day ready to work. Barana bulls are not overdone on feed as we value the longevity in the bulls we breed. It is well documented that over feeding can have negative implications for a bull’s fertility & structure. As in the past objective data will be available and all inspections & guarantees are provided. All sale bulls must pass stringent veterinary tests for breeding & soundness. Bulls are semen & morphology tested, Breedplan recorded & scanned for EMA, FAT & IMF. Barana maintains a Level 7 J-BAS [Johns Beef Assurance Score] status. Each bull catalogued has been vaccinated against BVDV, Leptospirosis & Vibriosis. Sale bulls have been given 2 vaccinations to ensure they have full immunity for 12 months. This is your assurance that we have taken all steps available to protect our animals against introducing disease into your herd & to ensure their continued performance. All sale bulls have also been vaccinated against 3 day sickness & tick fever [3 germ blood] to suit our Queensland clients.

We have FREE cartage offers available within a 300km radius of Barana for our bull lots only. Queensland bull buyers will also be offered free cartage to Roma. Conditions apply.

Barana has been breeding quality cattle for happy clients since 1980 with one client commenting recently that their bull was “quality from his nose to his toes”. We have independently promoted the Simmental breed & produced decades of consistent quality & value for money. We’ve developed our client base locally & nationwide and our bulls are proven performers. We deliver on quality, guarantees, reputation, performance & results.

Our sale catalogue is up on our website here and our sale is interfaced with AuctionsPlus.

Videos & photos of all sale lots can also be viewed there. Our usual social media channels of Facebook, Instagram & Twitter are also updated regularly if you wanted to follow us there or subscribe to our Newsletter via our website.

The sale supplementary sheet with scan results and weights will be available on July 1, 2019 on our Sales and Events page here.

Warm Regards, Peter & Charmaine


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