2017 Sale Report
Barana’s 17th Annual Sale achieved a strong result with our 40 Simmental bulls selling at auction conducted by Paul Dooley with a top of $14,000 reached five times & a sale average of $8,075.
All heifers offered were sold to a top of $5,500 twice and averaged $4,100.
![Lot 4 Barana Lazareth [P] PTCPL042](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ee32d0_c8ff072352e84607b8abbd6b5fce33d6~mv2_d_3292_2251_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_670,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/ee32d0_c8ff072352e84607b8abbd6b5fce33d6~mv2_d_3292_2251_s_2.jpg)
As always, our sincere thanks go to all our valued clients for their continued & solid support.
The Simmental breed is on a roll with the softer, well fleshed, easy doing cattle being sought after by commercial producers. As well as these characteristics we are striving for the type of traditional Simmental sires which produce bulls
with good IMF creating better eating quality plus the carcase yield to match.
It is rewarding to see good operators in the commercial industry willing to pay top prices for their new working bulls. These astute cattle producers have an eye for the quality & type of cattle that will put more dollars in their pocket for the success of their commercial enterprise.
![Lot 20 Barana Morris [P] PTCPM009](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ee32d0_c2499dd7c13e420389282901357e97cc~mv2_d_3648_2432_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_653,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/ee32d0_c2499dd7c13e420389282901357e97cc~mv2_d_3648_2432_s_4_2.jpg)
All our sale bulls were vaccinated against BVDV [Pestivirus], Leptospirosis, Vibriosis. These bulls have been given 2 vaccinations of Pestigard, Ultravac 7in1 and Vibrovax to ensure they have full immunity which is valid for 12 months. The bulls have also been vaccinated against 3 day sickness & tick fever. While we have taken all steps to protect our animals to ensure their continued performance for our clients, we recommend that they continue with annual vaccinations to help protect the health of their herd & maximise the productivity of their business. Zoetis Star Breeder Certificates are available for our bull buyers.
It was pleasing to see new faces among our repeat clients who have supported us over many years and to welcome our new clients also with our Barana cattle selling locally & interstate.

Barana’s 18th Annual Sale will be held on-farm on Thursday 5th July 2018 with 50 bulls on offer along with 10 specially selected stud heifers.
Please mark the date on your calendar as we hope to see you then.