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'July sales: Strong selection on sale day'

Barana Stud principle Peter Cook has worked hard over the past 36 years breeding and showing Simmentals to reinforce Barana’s reputation with commercial and stud cattle producers. This will be showcased at their sale to be held on property on Monday 4 July at 1pm.

With 200 registered breeders in their stud herd, Barana place great importance on breeding for ease of calving, milk production and fertility. Barana require females to be able to rear a calf under natural conditions and have endeavored to breed bulls which produce steers that are quick growing with good carcase characteristics and the ability to finish.

Barana have enjoyed success in the Australian National Field Days Grass-fed Steer and the Scone Beef Bonanza where they secured the Champion Purebred Carcase with a total point score of 90.867.

Barana bulls have proven results, with clients reporting Simmental Cross Vealers straight off their mothers consistently dressing out at 58% and outdoing other breeds in weight for age. Barana clients have succeeded in gaining a rare Championship/Reserve double in the heavyweight division steer carcase judging at Brisbane Royal with a Simmental Cross Steer sire by a Barana bull.

“Our clients have topped the annual Bindaree Beef Weaner Sale with a pen of Simmental Cross Steers and won best pen of Euro or Euro Cross Steers in the competition section,” Mr Cook said. “Our bull buyers report that the introduction of Simmental bulls in their herd has significantly lifted weights in the weaner steers they turn off.”

Barana genetics continue to perform both in carcase competitions and the show ring. “It’s rewarding to see Barana pedigrees in many successful stud breeding programmes and Barana genetics breeding on for our clients. The benefits of Barana breeding are evident,” Mr Cook said.

At their 16th on-property sale Barana will be offering 39 bulls, predominantly polled and 14 specially selected registered heifers, 8 joined and 6 unjoined. The females on offer exhibit the superior maternal traits for which traditional Simmentals are renowned.

“Throughout the dry times our bulls have been fed on what hay we could source with a light ration of grain incorporated in the hay mix.” Following the rain in February the bulls have been running on a pasture mix of lucerne and phalaris with a light supplementary ration of barley straw, lucerne hay, light grain mix and protein lick blocks. Bulls will present in good, strong condition on sale day.

Free cartage is offered to bull buyers within a 300km radius of Barana and for interstate buyers along the major route from Coolah to Goondiwindi and from Coolah to Wodonga.

Lot 1

Of this year's Barana sale draft, the majority are soft, early maturing, middle of the road type bulls. Barana Simmentals 2016 on-property bull sale will be held Monday 4th of July at 1pm.

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