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Barana Simmentals 2015 Sale Report

Barana Reaches $17,500 High

Barana Simmentals 15th Annual on farm sale held on July 2nd, achieved a pleasing result with bulls selling to an average of $5,606 and achieving a top price of $17,500 for Lot 1 Barana Juryman [Polled].

A large crowd of stud & commercial cattle breeders attended the sale with buyers from Queensland & South Australia. The top priced bull Barana Juryman [P] was purchased by Noel & Jill Mobbs, Gowrie Pastoral, Charleville, QLD.

Elders stud stock agent for the Mobbs family said the bull was a complete package and suited the breeding aims of the Charleville buyers. Stud Principal, Peter Cook, described the bull as having all the attributes for with the Simmental breed is renowned; length, deep barrelled, thickset hindquarter with smooth skin & softness. The bull was sired by Barana Emotion [P] and was DNA tested homozygous poll. Juryman weighed in at 894 kg, scanned 136 sq cm in eye muscle area [EMA] and had rump & rib fats of 9 & 8 mm respectively.

The second highest price on the day was Barana Juke [P] who sold to David & Theresa French of Pittsworth, QLD, for $9,000.

Another Barana Emotion son, Barana Jumping Jack sold for $8,500 to South Australian buyers Gary & Joy Allen of Mount Gambier for $8,500. This bull weighed in at 920 kg with an EMA of 137 sq cm

Repeat volume buyer Richard Whiteman of Cobar, NSW, secured four bulls for an average of $5,375 and top of $7,500.

In the female line-up Barana Helga [P] sold for a top price of $4,000 to Warren & Helen Salway of Cobargo NSW. Volume buyer for females in the sale was the Tranter family who took four registered and six purebred unregistered females back to Malanda in Far North Queensland. The females in the sale averaged $2,303.

Peter Cook said he was “humbled by the sale result and as always sincere thanks go to our clients for their continued & solid support”.

The sale was conducted by Elders and Davidson Cameron & Co.

Pictured above: Barana Juryman PTCPJ057 [P]. Barana’s top priced bull at our 2015 sale sold for $17,500 to Noel & Jill Mobbs, Gowrie Pastoral, CHARLEVILLE QLD

Sire: Barana Emotion PTCPE059 [P]

Dam: Barana Evatt PTCPE165 [P]

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