Barana bulls to $17,500- Rebecca Sharp

"BULLS at Barana Simmentals annual on-property sale reached a high of $17,500 yesterday.
The sale, held at Peter and Charmaine Cook's Coolah property, was attended by both new and repeat clients from across NSW with enquiry also coming from Queensland.
Topping the sale was Barana Emotion PTC E 059 son, Barana Juryman.Noel Mobbs and family, Gold Park Simmentals, Gowrie Pastoral, Charleville was the top price buyer with Elders agent Josh Crosby, Dubbo purchasing the sire on their behalf.
Thirty-three bulls were sold from the 36 offered, to average $5606.Thirteen from the 15 females on offer were sold, topping at $4000 and averaging $2303.
The top price female was Barana Helga, with a heifer calf at foot."
Pictured above: 'Elders agent Josh Crosby, Dubbo purchased Barana Juryman on behalf of Charleville client Noel Mobbs. He is pictured with Barana Simmental stud principal Peter Cook, Coolah.' See the full online article here: